Ubuntu 22 (jammy jellyfish) installation

Dear community,

some time has passed since ubuntu 22 (jammy jellyfish) was officially released on April 21 this year.
We now offer privacyIDEA version 3.7.1 packages on ubuntu 22 based on Python3.10 for testing.

The packages are available in the devel repository.

The devel repository contains the privacyIDEA apache and nginx as well as the privacyIDEA radius package.

  • privacyidea-apache2
  • privacyidea-nginx
  • privacyidea-radius

How to add the repository:

wget https://lancelot.netknights.it/NetKnights-Release.asc

gpg --import --import-options show-only --with-fingerprint NetKnights-Release.asc

The fingerprint of the key is

pub 4096R/AE250082 2017-05-16 NetKnights GmbH release@netknights.it
Key fingerprint = 0940 4ABB EDB3 586D EDE4 AD22 00F7 0D62 AE25 0082

Move key to:

mv NetKnights-Release.asc /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/

Add repository to sources.list

echo "deb http://lancelot.netknights.it/community/jammy/devel jammy main" >> /etc/apt/sources.list


apt update

for apache installation:

apt install privacyidea-apache2

for nginx installation:

apt install privacyidea-nginx

Additional installation if needed:

radius installation:

apt-get install privacyidea-radius

Thank you for using privacyIDEA

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privacyIDEA version 3.7.3 package is available in the devel repository.

Thank you for using privacyIDEA

Thank you for the description. This works!