Free enterprise support webpage is down?

I was looking for the webpage that was mentioned here on the forum.

But it seems it’s not working, I cannot open it. Can you please provide step-by-step instructions on how to open it?

Or maybe just write your phone number here so I can give you a call when I need help.

Hello @2FANoob

please read this again:

Then you will understand, that you are a relevant part of “the community”. There does not exist “the community” on the other side. From a perspective of a community there is no “you” and “them”. The community are not the developers in the basement who are waiting to help the world. You are a part and an example of the community. People decide to help or not in their free time.
A lot of people decide not help. Thats ok.
But this is why there is no free enterprise support. This simply can not make any sense.

If you want enterprise support, if you want to be a consumer and receive services or other values, there has to be an equivilant value. Your company can pay for such services.