First, I wish you a happy new year and all the best for 2024!
I’d like to kick off the year by introducing my little privacyIDEA container project.
Yes, it is another simple image, but maybe someone will find it useful.
The main approach is to have a lightweight container image served by gunicorn without any other application, like NGINX or a database. Also, it should be easy to deploy a full stack with docker compose, including nginx as a reverse-proxy and MariaDB as a database backend for testing purposes.
At the moment, it is not intensively tested, and some components (like RADIUS) are still missing.
The project is based on Docker, but the base functionality will also run with Podman. Maybe I will migrate it later to a pod and/or Kubernetes.
The privacyidea-freeradius image is available with the latest plugin version: privacyidea-freeradius
The privacyidea-docker image is now using WolfiOS from chainguard for a more lightweight and
secure container images. This image is much more suitable for today’s cloud/k8s environments.
Updated image to newest version from pypy (3.10 seems to be broken)…
Helm chart will follow…
The fact that or even 3.10.0 (3.10 release) are not tagged in GitHub is problematic to get the requirements.txt in a simplified way or even using ~= over 3.10.0
That’s True. As a workaround for the I am using two ARGs in the Dockerfile:
PI_REQUIREMENTS is the tagged version from the privacyidea repository and PI is the released version on pypi. Currently I am working on a better approach to solve this behavior…
The new container for privacyIDEA version 3.11 is available.
Some major changes:
bash scripts removed - using python now for entrypoint
using privacyIDEA api to bootstrap the database, keys and admin user
using the new privacyIDEA /healthz/ endpoint for health check
I also added a helm chart for the project. You can easily deploy a whole stack in K8s. Currently , tested very roughly with minikube and some managed K8s in the cloud (aws and ovh).