When I receive a request via winbox on mikrotik, which has RADIUS integration installed, I receive the message “wrong otp pin”.
In /audit/log, the line looks like this:
POST /validate/check, success-0, realm, user and resolver are displayed correctly
The time on the server and on the router is single.
In Clients.conf ipaddr = *.
The secret was entered without errors.
The config in sites-enable/privacy idea will look like this:
authenticate {
Auth-Type Perl {
perl-privacy idea
In the Debug mode of freeradius, the password string will look like this:
$RAD_REQUEST{‘MS-CHAP-Challenge’} → ‘0x0…’
there is also such a string$RAD_REQUEST{‘MS-CHAP2-Response’} $RAD_REQUEST{‘MS-CHAP2-Response’} - > ‘0x0…’