Hi Guys! 
We are looking to upgrade our PrivacyIDEA environment from:
Red Hat 7.9
privacyidea-pam 2.21
python-privacyidea 2.21
python-privacyideaadm 2.01
freeradius 3.0
Red Hat 8.4
privacyidea-pam 3.8
python-privacyidea 3.8
python-privacyideaadm 3.8
Is there a nice yum package version of the prerequisite modules that we can use instead of the ‘requirements.txt’ file that is geared towards the pip installation utility?
Do the NetKnights team provide something that might be appropriate?
Any helpful advice would be very appreciated.
Welcome to the privacyIDEA community.
Note, that you are skipping 5 years of development!
Five years.
You are planning to upgrade from a 2.x to a 3.x version. In regards to our semantic versioning, this means breaking changes.
First thing: read the changelog at github.
Then, when you are done after 3 hours… 
Kidding. But this is actually what you are facing!
NetKnights provides a repository with rpms, but this will probably not help you that much with upgrading. The rpm packages run the db upgrade script.
Which you can also run manually and should work in theory. But you could still run into side effects and break things (depending on the complexity of your configuration) and then you need to basically understand the changes.
Also check this out: 2.4. Upgrading — privacyIDEA 3.9 documentation
I hopd this helps a bit.