Id like to leave a Feedback for an Issue I’ve had when upgrading PrivacyIdea from 3.6.x to current 3.8.1:
There is an issue when Upgrading DB schema via privacyidea-pip-update:
(psycopg2.errors.DuplicateTable) FEHLER: Relation »customuserattribute_seq« existiert bereits
[SQL: CREATE SEQUENCE customuserattribute_seq]
(Background on this error at:
(psycopg2.errors.InFailedSqlTransaction) FEHLER: aktuelle Transaktion wurde abgebrochen, Befehle werden bis zum Ende der Transaktion ignoriert
Because the relation is already existent, the transaction in Question has to be rolled back - or (for a workaround I did) commented out inside of the mentioned .py script:
# try:
# seq = Sequence('customuserattribute_seq')
# create_seq(seq)
# except Exception as exx:
# print(exx)