SSH login using GSSAPI + 2FA over privacyIDEA PAM

Hi Everyone,

Ill cut this short. I am trying to come up with a working solution for a SSH login using kerberos authentication over gssapi-with-mic and additionally the second factor provided by the privacyidea server. Of course, if the user has no kerberos credentials, he/she would have to authenticate first with his password then do the challenge-response (2nd Factor) through the privacyidea PAM plugin.

I did a dirty workaround for this workflow which basically functions. However, like previously said, a dirty- not-so-elegant way. My question for all would be this: Is there a way to trigger the challenge directly in the pam-plugin without first authenticating with PIN or Password from any source? - I think some already had this question before, i also did but its along with a different discussion and it is still unclear for me if the PAM-Plugin does trigger only the challenge.

To elaborate more, here is my setup:

  • Ubuntu Xenial
  • PrivacyIDEA 2.19.1-1xenial
  • MySQL
  • Token: Yubikey
  • All tokens does not have PINs and Policy-Authentication-'otppin:none' is set

In the sshd.conf, the following line below allows users to first authenticate with kerberos over gssapi-with-mic then do the 2FA over pam OR directly do PAM if no kerberos ticket is present.

AuthenticationMethods gssapi-with-mic,keyboard-interactive:pam keyboard-interactive:pam

/etc/pam.d/common-auth-2fa controls the flow of authentication modules:

auth    requisite              uid >= 1000 quiet_success
# check if user already authenticated over gssapi-with-mic
auth    [success=1 default=ignore] quiet log=/var/log/ssh-2fa-log /usr/bin/
# do password auth if no gssapi auth
auth    requisite             
# privacyidea pam should trigger challenge only because of 'otppin:none' in policy
auth    [success=1 default=bad] /lib/security/ url=https://privacyideaserver realm=ssh_realm nosslverify debug prompt=Press_Return_key_to_continue
auth    requisite             
# do check cleanup
auth    optional               quiet log=/var/log/ssh-2fa-log /usr/bin/
auth    required              

So, the login workflow looks like this if i have a valid kerberos ticket. As you can see,

➜  ~ ssh username@privacyideaserver
Authenticated with partial success.
please enter otp: iiifjhniflkubjhebebrkggruktlbnbvlnbijeruhcfc
Welcome to Ubuntu 16.04.3 LTS (GNU/Linux 4.4.0-96-generic x86_64)

I have set the prompt to 'Press_Return_key_to_continue' because i was expecting only the triggered challenge which is 'please enter otp:' to be prompted since i have a ‘otppin:none’ in my policy-authentication. After pressing the Return/Enter key, the pam-plugin triggers gets the challenge and from there I can authenticate further using the Yubikey.

I also tried to just remove the parameter ‘prompt’ in my and it still asks for the first step:

auth    [success=1 default=bad] /lib/security/ url=https://privacyideaserver realm=ssh_realm nosslverify debug

same as before, log in with valid kerberos credentials, then 'Your OTP:' is prompted, i just press the Return/Enter key, then it prompts 'please enter otp:' and i press the yubikey to authenticate.

➜  ~ ssh username@privacyideaserver
Authenticated with partial success.
Your OTP: 
please enter otp: iiifjhniflkutkctgddgkcjbildjfgedkttfglckfuvf
Welcome to Ubuntu 16.04.3 LTS (GNU/Linux 4.4.0-96-generic x86_64)

What i was expecting was somehow this:

➜  ~ ssh username@privacyideaserver
Authenticated with partial success.
please enter otp: iiifjhniflkutkctgddgkcjbildjfgedkttfglckfuvf
Welcome to Ubuntu 16.04.3 LTS (GNU/Linux 4.4.0-96-generic x86_64)
