SMPP SMS Gateway issue


I have configured SMPP SMS gateway and enrolled SMS token, but unable to get it working. I am getting error “The PIN was correct, but the SMS could not be sent: SMSError(error_id=404, description=‘smpplib can not be found!’)”. I am not sure how to resolve this issue. Where can I get more information on this error?


depending on Your installation You need to install the smpplib python package.
When privacyIDEA is installed via pip or ubuntu packages this should already be installed.


I have checked smpplib package is installed and just to be on safe side, I have reinstalled it. but still getting same error “The PIN was correct, but the SMS could not be sent: SMSError(error_id=404, description=‘smpplib can not be found!’)” not sure, what else could be missing here.
Requred Ports to SMPP provider are open and DNS is configured properly and working.