SimpleSAMLphp plugin

Hello everyone,

I’m trying to install simpleSAMLphp plugin, but I have this error when I test authentication:

Caused by: Exception: Could not resolve 'privacyidea:PrivacyideaAuthSource': no class named 
'SimpleSAML\Module\privacyidea\Auth\Source\PrivacyideaAuthSource' or 

How can I activate the privacyidea module?

Here is my configuration:

PrivacyIdea and simpleSAMLphp installed on a CentOS7 server.

Here is my authsource.php config:

'PrivacyIdea' => array(

     * The URL of the privacyidea server.
     * Required.
    'privacyideaServerURL' => '',

     * Disable SSL verification.
     * Values should be 'true' or 'false'. Default is 'true'.
     * NOTE: This should always be enabled in a productive environment!
     * Optional.
    'sslVerifyHost' => 'true',
    'sslVerifyPeer' => 'true',

     * Set the privacyidea realm.
     * Optional.
    'realm' => '',

     * Specify the username and password of your service account from privacyIDEA server.
     * Required by the 'triggerChallenge' authentication flow.
    'serviceAccount' => '',
    'servicePass' => '',

     * Specify the realm for your service account.
     * Optional (by the 'triggerChallenge' authentication flow).
    'serviceRealm' => '',

     * Choose one of the following authentication flows:
     * 'sendPassword' - (default) Login interface will contain the username input and a single password/OTP input.
     * 'triggerChallenge' - Login interface will contain only the username input. This mode triggers
     * challenges prior to the login using the configured service account (required).
     * 'separateOTP' - Login interface will contain 3 inputs for username, password and OTP.
     * Required.
    'authenticationFlow' => 'sendPassword',

     * Set custom hints for the OTP and password fields.
    'otpFieldHint' => 'OTP',
    'passFieldHint' => 'Password',

     * Set SSO to 'true' if you want to use single sign on.
     * All information required for SSO will be saved in the session.
     * After logging out, the SSO data will be removed from the session.
     * The value has to be 'true' or 'false', default is 'false'.
     * Optional.
    'SSO' => 'false',

     * Optionally set a preferred token type.
     * If the chosen token is triggered, it will be used to authenticate directly
     * without having to press the button for the type.
     * Possible values are: 'otp', 'push', 'webauthn' or 'u2f'. Default is 'otp'.
     * NOTE: If the 'preferred client mode' is set on the server side, this option will be ignored.
     * Optional.
    'preferredTokenType' => '',

     * Translation from privacyIDEA attribute names to the SAML attribute names.
     * Required.
    'attributemap' => array(
        'username' => 'samlLoginName',
        'surname' => 'surName',
        'givenname' => 'givenName',
        'email' => 'emailAddress',
        'phone' => 'telePhone',
        'mobile' => 'mobilePhone'

This module is not compatible with v2.0 yet.

Hello again,

In this case, I’m using the 1.19 version.


Ok, I figured out what’s wrong.

It was a permissions issue.

My simplesamlphp directory has root as owner. I’ve changed it to apache, and it works.

Althought, is that the best practice?
