privacyIDEA 3.10 available

Hello community,

we have released version 3.10 of privacyIDEA.

Take a look at the complete changelog:

My personal favorites are the node specific realms. If any of you has a setup for tens of thousands of users via several continents, this will help you a lot, to improve performance :wink:

I am also really interest in the WebAuthn/FIDO2 offline mechanism. This helps for a cook offline login experience in combination with the privacyIDEA credential provider. But I also hope I can have this one day for Linux/privacyIDEA-PAM.

Check it out!

After installing/updating PI to 3.10 from the Ubuntu repository the following behavour occures. If I try to edit existing SMTP Servers, RADIUS Servers, PrivacyIDEA servers, SMS Gateways and other sections, menu for creating a new entity opens instead of editing current entity.

Hi, we know of this issue and will fix it in 3.10.1.
In the meantime, you can press reload (top right corner next to the login) and the data will show up correctly for editing.