privacyIDEA 2.0 is out


I just released privacyIDEA 2.0.

privacyIDEA 2.0 is a migration/rewrite away from pylons web framework to
Also the inner design has changed this is why you need to upgrade carefully.
In 1.5 the configuration was kept in one single database table leaving
much of the data mangling logic to the application.
2.0 now has a lot of the logic packed into the database.

There are tables for your resolvers and the resolver parameters. tables
for realms and a table for policy definition.
The system config is still kept in the original config table.

There is a migration script base on alembic, which might work for your
needs. It migrates the token, the resolvers and the realms. It does not
migrate the policies!
So you should perform a database backup!
And maybe try the migration on a non-productive system! :slight_smile:

See the release notes in the blog

Kind regards