Missing options for Timestep and Hash algorithm at new Token enrollment

Dear Community,

on this site in the documentation I found a screenshot, which contains “TimeStep” and “Hash algorithm” during the new Token enrollment: TOTP — privacyIDEA 3.5 documentation

But on our 3.5 installation I have not this option. There we only have the Description and PIN.
How can I enable the other options? Because we want to have different TOTP Tokens with different Timesteps.

Bildschirmfoto 2021-02-09 um 11.11.28

Best, Tobias

I think this is simply the difference between admins and normal users.

Das Problem habe ich auch bei Version 3.10 und als Admin User.
Die Formulare für Hash Länge und OTP Länge werden durch checkright im CSS HTML ausgeblendet.

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