How can i use mysqldump to recover without errors?

im have trouble to backup and recovery with mysql on a CentOS7.
I tried 2server Installation PI2.They were working properly.
1server’s mariadb backupd with mysqldump.and I recorvered buy it did not work properly.
mysqldump --user=root --master-data=2 --hex-blob --default-character-set=binary --all-databases --single-transaction > mysql_dump.sql
scp another server
mysql> drop database privacyidea;
mysql <mysql_dump.sql

and WebUI Loggin.
Token selected and Test token . but error message " ‘ascii’ codec can’t decode byte 0xcc in position 0: ordinal not in range(128)"

How can i use mysqldump to recover without errors?


this error might occur because you forgot to restore the encryption key from the backup, which causes the token secrets to be decrypted incorrectly. If that isn’t it, you should have a look at the audit log, privacyidea.log and the web server error logs.

Hope that helps! Best Regards
