Flexible, reliable and lasting multi factor authentication

Originally published at: https://www.privacyidea.org/flexible-reliable-and-lasting-multi-factor-authentication/

privacyIDEA was started more than five years ago. It came a long way from a decent enterprise ready 2FA system to probably the most flexible open source multi factor system. This is due to the possibility to integrate privacyIDEA into any workflows. And looking at infrastructures like universities, where students come and go, or into companies where users seldom stop by at the admins desk, smooth workflows are a key factor.

At the same time privacyIDEA provides several different ways to migrate existing 2FA system to privacyIDEA. This is important, since proprietary systems tend to go end of life.

privacyIDEA Talk at SCALE 18x

Cornelius will be giving a talk at SCALE 18x about where 2FA or MFA is going and what we might expect from the old key players.

privacyIDEA can easily help you to get rid of old vendor locks once and for all. privacyIDEA aims to be future proof. Not only do we support Python 3! 😉 but we also keep up with new developments in the authentication market. privacyIDEA provides a lot of different authentication types like U2F (FIDO2), HOTP/TOTP, SMS or PUSH notifications. This talk will give an insight of the pros and cons, which you need to know to find the right auth type for your scenario.

If you are around, stop by at the Southern California Linux Expo at the Convention Center in Pasadena on March 5th-8th, 2020.

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Update: The talk will be held on March 8th in the Security track, 3pm – 4pm.