Custom push /ttype/push

Good afternoon, I’ve been testing privacyidea for a few days. I really like everything. I managed to set up sms, push, script. However, I would like to know if I can send some data to /ttype/push without using the privacyidea app. I will describe my situation, we would like push to come to telegram, but so far I have not been able to do this (maybe it is in the commercial version?), I have a corporate chatbot, it would be very convenient for me if the user pressed some button in the chat with the bot, after then the data was sent to /ttype/push and thus the second factor was confirmed.

Of course you can use the endpoint without the app.
Just like the authenticator app uses the endpoint every other code can use the end point.

Read concept: PushToken · privacyidea/privacyidea Wiki · GitHub.

The question is if the scenario with Telegram actually makes sense.
Also see this discussion:Push via Telegram bot · Issue #3615 · privacyidea/privacyidea · GitHub