After changing iPhone the App starts always with the following error. Deleting and reinstalling the app dosen’t work. After that i can see the old token before the error appear but have no chance to delete it.
Invalid argument(s): Can not send request because the argument [parameters] contains a null values at entries [signature], this is not permitted.
Stack trace:
#0 doGet (package:privacyidea_authenticator/utils/network_utils.dart:101)
#1 _MainScreenState._pollForRequests (package:privacyidea_authenticator/screens/main_screen.dart:212)
Device parameters:
model: iPhone
isPhysicalDevice: true
name: iPhone 13 Pro Max
identifierForVendor: FE3BD805-4849-4DBA-8DB1-E88399DDFE36
localizedModel: iPhone
systemName: iOS
utsnameVersion: Darwin Kernel Version 21.2.0: Sun Nov 28 20:43:39 PST 2021; root:xnu-8019.62.2~1/RELEASE_ARM64_T8110
utsnameRelease: 21.2.0
utsnameMachine: iPhone14,3
utsnameNodename: iPhone-13-Pro-Max
utsnameSysname: Darwin
Application parameters:
environment: release
version: 3.1.5
appName: null
buildNumber: 0301005
packageName: privacyidea.authenticator