Error with Multi-Challenge on 2.19 after database restore

**Copied from github Ticket #712


  • PrivacyIDEA 2.19
  • Ubuntu Xenial 16.04
  • apache2
  • mysql

##Backup created from 2.18.1 with
pi-manage backup create -e -c /etc/privacyidea -d /root/

What did you try to do?

  • Installed fresh OS and Privacyidea 2.19

  • Restored from 2.18.1 backup using
    pi-manage backup restore /root/privacyidea.backup
    ##NOTE - pi.cfg, enckey, and private/public keys successfully replaced using above command.

  • Tested WebUI logging in with current token (only 1 TOTP active/enabled) - Success!

  • Created additional HOTP Token with same user account (this user has now 2 tokens active/enabled)- OK

  • Log-In with username+userstorePW- PARTIAL, Error: InvalidRequestError

What outcome did you expect?

  • Multiple Challenge support.

What outcome did you experience?

  • After successfully authenticating with username+userstorePW, the system throws an Error and does not proceed with the second authentication (challenge/response).

Log file


InvalidRequestError: This Session's transaction has been rolled back due to a previous exception during flush. To begin a new transaction with this Session, first issue Session.rollback(). Original exception was: (pymysql.err.IntegrityError) (1062, u"Duplicate entry '13280164813209959638' for key 'ix_challenge_transaction_id'") [SQL: u'INSERT INTO challenge (transaction_id, data, challenge, session, serial, timestamp, expiration, received_count, otp_valid) VALUES (%(transaction_id)s, %(data)s, %(challenge)s, %(session)s, %(serial)s, %(timestamp)s, %(expiration)s, %(received_count)s, %(otp_valid)s)'] [parameters: {'timestamp': datetime.datetime(2017, 5, 29, 12, 17, 54, 916739), 'challenge': u'', 'session': u'', 'expiration': datetime.datetime(2017, 5, 29, 12, 22, 54, 916773), 'serial': u'PISM0001C1CB', 'data': u'', 'otp_valid': 0, 'transaction_id': u'13280164813209959638', 'received_count': 0}] [2017-05-29 12:17:54,955][13134][140115673065216][ERROR][privacyidea.lib.auditmodules.sqlaudit:238] exception DataError('(pymysql.err.DataError) (1406, u"Data too long for column \'info\' at row 1")',) [2017-05-29 12:17:54,955][13134][140115673065216][ERROR][privacyidea.lib.auditmodules.sqlaudit:239] DATA: {'info': u'This Session\'s transaction has been rolled back due to a previous exception during flush. To begin a new transaction with this Session, first issue Session.rollback(). Original exception was: (pymysql.err.IntegrityError) (1062, u"Duplicate entry \'13280164813209959638\' for key \'ix_challenge_transaction_id\'") [SQL: u\'INSERT INTO challenge (transaction_id, data, challenge, session, serial, timestamp, expiration, received_count, otp_valid) VALUES (%(transaction_id)s, %(data)s, %(challenge)s, %(session)s, %(serial)s, %(timestamp)s, %(expiration)s, %(received_count)s, %(otp_valid)s)\'] [parameters: {\'timestamp\': datetime.datetime(2017, 5, 29, 12, 17, 54, 916739), \'challenge\': u\'\', \'session\': u\'\', \'expiration\': datetime.datetime(2017, 5, 29, 12, 22, 54, 916773), \'serial\': u\'PISM0001C1CB\', \'data\': u\'\', \'otp_valid\': 0, \'transaction_id\': u\'13280164813209959638\', \'received_count\': 0}]', 'success': False, 'privacyidea_server': 'zitpcx16525', 'client_user_agent': 'firefox', 'client': '', 'user': u'myusername', 'action_detail': '', 'action': 'POST /auth'}

New Database

This does not happen using a newly created DB ‘pi-manage createdb’

  • pi-manage createdb
  • pi-manage add admin
  • admin log in via WebUI and configured SAME policies, realms, resolver, etc.
  • created two tokens for user ‘myusername’ (tokens- HOTP, TOTP)
  • myusername logs in using credentials- OK
  • Privacyidea prompts myusername for OTP- myusername gets authenticated by either HOTP or TOTP - Success!

Am I missing something with the migration?


You are updating the wrong way. Please read:

If you installed privacyIDEA via DEB or RPM repository you can use the normal system ways of apt-get, aptitude and rpm to upgrade privacyIDEA to the current version.

You need to note the following. The database backup creates an sql file that also contains the creation of the tables.
If you backup version 2.18 you have version 2.18 tables.

If you then install version 2.19 and restore the backup, you will run version 2.19 with the tables (DB schema) of version 2.18.
This it was causes your error.

Run the DB migration or use the normal update procedure.

Kind regards


Exacto! This should clear up everything. The Database should be first migrated and then create the back up for the new machine.

@cornelinux - Thanks!
